Join the world of tanks and robots to defend your land! Control armored war machines and awesome tanks. This free app is for all mech games fans: full of real steel robots, pocket tanks and robot vs tank battles. Control super tank and super robot precisely, transform tank to war robot and win tanks and robots battles! Forget previous experience of playing robot and tank games. This tank shooting and robot racing game is really exciting! Download this free tank battle game, become real tank hero, drive army tanks and win crucial tank combat! Remember, that tank games are for the toughest soldiers.
AMAZING EXPERIENCE OF ROBOT VS TANK BATTLES Play mech games like this to improve skills of controlling pocket tanks and robotic war machines. Explore world of tanks. Drive army tanks carefully to avoid explosive boxes, transform awesome tanks to robots and let robot vs tank combat begin. Choose any super tank to fight against enemy troops. Destroy bombs with military tank, use robot tank to shoot rocks to pass the path. Dare to ask for the help while fighting in tank wars to complete the tank shooting and robot racing missions. This tank battle game is full of unpleasant surprises. Prepare for any of enemy pocket tank and furious tank riders. This tank combat is for the real tank hero!
ARMY TANKSAll war robots and pocket tanks are heavy and powerful. We provide 4 robotanks for the first battles: Charge, Barrage, Bessy and Predator. If any war robot or super tank does not look like you want, customize it! Add some cool stuff and have the best military tank as possible. Forget mech games and tank games where you control mini tanks or tiny tanks. Become one of tank riders and fight against enemy war machines with fully equipped army tanks or robots. Each pocket tank can shoot, climb rocks and fight in tank vs tank or robot vs tank battles. It’s your choice when to drive military tank, control war robot and watch awesome tanks fighting. Drive robot tank to destroy enemy weapons and shoot down enemy planes. Become tank hero and release locals from enemy camps. Do not let invaders occupy your territory. Let’s see how your tank shooting and robot racing. Try to survive in this tank battle game and win all tank wars.
SIMPLE ROBOT TANK CONTROLS Usually tank games and mech games have complicated controls that are not easy to manage and win war of tanks. That is the reason why we decided to make simple controls and make tons of fun for you! Play this tank battle game with friends or family members. Become tank hero of your dreams!
◆ Ready, set, GO with the start button and move pocket tanks forward.
◆ Use ARROW buttons to make war robot stable or make some tricks in tank wars.
◆ Use TARGET button to load bombs and win tank combat.
◆ Do not forget to come back every day to COLLECT COINS. Use them to get a new war machines.
WHAT TO EXPECTExplore world of tanks, fight in tank wars, improve skills of super tank and robot tank controls, destroy one enemy pocket tank after another and defend the land from invaders! If you had a dream to become tank rider or robot fighter as kid, now you can fulfill this dream! Play this free game, if you expect: furious enemy tank riders, awesome tanks and robots transformations, realistic world of tanks, simple controls, amazing tank shooting and robot racing experience.