In the year 30XX, the Advertisements are growing restless. For centuries, they have sat by in idle wait, hoping that the people would succumb and click of their own Free Will. This took far too long, fueling their ever-increasing impatience. They have had enough waiting! The Advertisements are now organizing to force their will on the entire human population! It is up to you to stop these sentient marketing beings!
You must utilize the human technology of subspace point-travel, which will allow a tactical advantage for dodging enemy fire. Destroy the Advertisements and preserve your Free Will - and that of all humanity!
Also included is an Endless game mode. A special enemy unit whose behavior is loosely based on quantum mechanics - erratic, random, and ever resilient - awaits you and challenges you to build a high score. The unpredictable tactics of this enemy prove formidable. It absorbs your shots, throws them back at you, and tests your will to survive.
New features are here! Get in-game credits by destroying advertisements and their minion ships! 5 credits for defeating the large banner advertisement, plus 1 credit for every five small enemies defeated. Spend them in the Store, and use the Config menu to apply owned upgrades to your ship!