It is a game based on an old game War Card.
The new game provides different gameplay for the player.
This is the first version of the game so it can be called beta.
It is a duel between the player and the computer.
at the beginning of the 6 cards that we call block 5 If we use all the cards in block 5,
load the card in Block 4, but it is one less. The final block is the one when we have only two cards.
If we lose then we lose the last card game. Your task is to play tactical in this way to keep as many cards.
You can discover your opponent's cards and cards by clicking on them. If you click again on your card
that was previously discovered it on the list an encounter with a card you can choose your opponent.
Higher card wins. Each turn has a limited number of moves to 3.
Discover Card by clicking
Issue of cards by clicking on the card face
Each duel finish by the end of the round