Game Objective
The first player to use up all their cards wins.
Card Types
Single Card: Any single card, with 2 as the highest and 3 as the lowest.
Example: 3, 7, A
Pair: Two cards of the same rank.
Example: 33, AA
Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank.
Example: 333, AAA
Straight: Three consecutive cards (cannot include 2).
Example: 345, 10JQ
Bomb: Four cards of the same rank, the strongest type.
Example: 4444, KKKK
Game Rules
Each player has 13 cards. A random player starts the round.
The opponent must play a card of the same type with a higher rank, or pass.
Bombs can beat any type of card and don’t need to follow the type rules.
The first player to use up all their cards wins.