Navigate through a deadly asteroid field, blasting incoming space rocks with your rainbow lasers! Good luck, Unicorn Commander!
Created originally for a Windows 8 Game Jam, Unicorn Space Command has been updated and brought to Android.
Unicorn Space Command is a twist on the classic Asteroids. You are put into the gunner seat upon a USC space vessel making a journey through a dangerous asteroid field where you will control the ship's rainbow cannons and fire incoming targets out of the course of your vessel.
You must use some strategy to prioritize which targets you must take care of first to minimize damage to your ship's hull. Larger asteroids may break into smaller, faster ones.
Health upgrades will be provided to repair damage to your ship. Weapon upgrades will give you a boost to your ammunition, allowing unlimited firing power for a period of time.
Rack up your high score and submit it to the online leaderboard!