A Long time ago an enormous power was compressed in a shiny crystal and anyone who possessed it would have been able to control the world. Then one day a wise man, scared by the idea that the crystal could fall in the hands of an evil man, decided to divide it into smaller gems and gave them to different wizards.
Now the Vikings want to gather all the gems and use their power to conquer the world!
The only way to save it is to defend Wizkar, the wizards' land, and don't let the invaders collect all the gems.
Multitudes of brutal and uncivilized vikings are coming, defend Wizkar using towers and the power of magic!
FREE and OFFLINE tower defense game.
⋆ First tower defense game with 3D block based design.
⋆ Free and offline game.
⋆ 24 addictive block design levels.
⋆ Use the magic power to select the most suitable defensive object!
⋆ Magic bombs with various damage parameter.
⋆ Select the most appropriate wand between the freezing and the damaging.
⋆ Different towers and wizard skills.
⋆ Upgradable wizard abilities.