Wombat's Adventure
Are you ready for a speacial journey?
Load this game and play as a wombat to get out of this peaceful bright.
Traps, puzzles, logic, patience, skill and humor - all these are waiting for you in popular retro style.
You think it's easy? - Just do it!
This Jump 'n' Run game contains four different levels and is a key to our upcoming project.
We accept no liability in cases of escalation.
Are you ready for a journey of a very special kind?
Download this game and play as a wombat to escape from peaceful hell.
Fallen, puzzles, logic, patience, skill and humor - all this awaits you in the popular retro style.
You think you can do it that way? - Just do it!
The slightly different Jump 'n' Run game contains four different levels and serves as a foretaste of a bigger project that gets a whole lot crazier and more complex.
We assume no liability for escalation cases.
That's what the developers think:
"This game has completely changed my life for the worse, I'm speechless
"Since I got my hands on this game, I can not remember where to go with mine
Life. Thumbs up."