Fast paced real-time Risk-like strategy game.
1. Use your fingers to pan and zoom.
2. You are the teal colored player.
3. To attack, select one of your cities and then select a target. You may only capture a city if at least one of your cities is connected to it.
4. Launchers are stronger than Jets but take twice as long to build.
5. Stars are stronger than Launchers but take four times as long to build.
6. Gray colored cities are not controlled by any player but may be attacked.
You win by capturing all the cities. You lose if all of your cities are captured.
Due to the unique computer AI, each game is different!
Special thanks to my son Baylor for ideas on the game, music suggestions, and for providing the opening images.
Thanks to Gregory Pratt for the fan art.
Thanks to jalastram for sounds provided from
Thanks to for providing some of the explosion sounds.
Thanks to mattashi at for providing "The Weapon" opening music.