Loved by everyone, broke through the cumulative total of 50,000 downloads of "Dating with each other".
Many users would like to play, and all the producers thank you from the bottom of my heart.
To celebrate 500,000 downloads, we renewed "Diplomatic degree diagnosis" with Testii × LastProjects.
Even those who have not tried it, I would be pleased if you could play it once.
v9.0 "Romance survey" function added
Updated with v9.1 optimization
Fixed a bug in v9.2 "Everyone's Diagnosis"
We added ranking for the past year to v 9.3 "Logo Puzzle"
Updated v 10.0 "Romance Survey" and added "Application Setting" and "Login Bonus" Function
v11.0 I reduced the advertisement and fine-tuned the design
v11.1 Design adjustment of splash and dialog
v12.0 New function "Progress check" has been added
* Your name and other data entered with this application are used only in the application.