Beloved by everyone, the cumulative total of "Dating Every Time Diagnosis" has exceeded 500,000 downloads.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the creators for playing with many users.
To commemorate the 500,000 downloads, we have renewed "Diagnosis every time you can get along" with Testii x LastProjects.
Even if you haven't tried it yet, we would appreciate it if you could play with it.
v9.3 Added ranking for the past year to "Logo Puzzle"
v10.0 Updated "Love Survey" and added "App Settings" and "Login Bonus" functions
v11 .0 Ad reduction and design
tweaks v11.1 Splash and dialog design tweaks
v12.0 Added new feature "Progress Check"
v12.1 Improved scroll area for better visibility and diagnostics Changed the resulting number to a cute font v12.2
Added the theme color customization function
v12.3 Improved the visibility of the scroll view
v13.0 Fixed a bug in some Android versions
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