Ben 10: ksenodrom

Arcade Fighting


Ben 10: ksenodrom - Android colorful fighting game created based on the popular animated series. The game offers the user to participate in the numerous battles between the characters of the game.
The gameplay is reduced to the dynamic of the match. You have to fight with a variety of extraterrestrial monsters, after the victory over which your character as a reward get a special DNA destroyed monster that lets you change the appearance of the character, giving him power and strength. The result will be the most powerful fighter of our time, who are not afraid of any opponent.
You need to think carefully about every next move, choosing exactly what you'll do: attack, parry enemy or to make maneuvering and quick evasion with further attacks on the opponent. In any of the above action there are several options for further development. So we should not forget about the special scale that accumulate throughout the match. When the range is full, you get the opportunity to deliver a crushing blow, and thus carry a maximum of the health of your opponent.


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