


In this fun game you will need to manage your personal clown who performs all actions of which you ask it. He moves about as well as famous in France, street comedians.
The main highlight of human motion is that it is entirely consistent with all our familiar law of gravitation. This law you will definitely see more in early childhood. Just think of dolls? Here at this tumbler and the clown of the game, there is one similar trait: they would never fall.
Talk a little about what can make your personal clown. First, it can simply very funny stand up. If your phone has an accelerometer, and you roll them, then the person will be worn on the walls, floor and ceiling.
Second, you can pull your friend as you wish. If you, for example, grasp the hand, and then - its release, the man some time to swing by inertia.
There is also a bonus game. If your machine will hear music, your friend will be the clown dance. In any case, it will take this dance. It looks cool! Download the file:


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Application Type: Paid
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