Pet Puppy Love: Girls Craft

Simulations for children


Pet Puppy Love: Girls Craft - in front of you is another interpretation of the popular science fiction universe of Minecraft, the main audience which, according to developers, have become small users. Beyond the usual action on such facilities at home and explore the surrounding world, this project uses a curious mechanics, consisting in taming cute puppies. But before long the gamer will run for their future pet, trying to bring the dog over, and at the same time tapnut button with the image of heart. The disadvantages of these actions gives a wry implemented management system, to which you can get used only after some time spent in the game. To search for a specific breed (and the project is present at this moment eight species) need considerably strode on to the cube world. Tamed dog in the future will continue to accompany his master during his travels, but if the character does not have enough attention to the ward, the wild dogs again, and the whole process of domestication will take place again.


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